Every year around this time, I realise what a different culture I was raised in. Growing up in Kuwait, gift giving was not the highlight of Christmas. It was the family gatherings and the fun times and the good food and memories. There was no such thing as holiday debt or stress around Christmas time. That was because we didnt need to buy everybody a present. The little kids got toys or candy and the customary 'gift from Santa' hidden under the tree by Mom or Dad. If and when older kids were given presents, it was books or something along those lines. In contrast, Canadians are pretty big on the gift giving. Video games, expensive purses, jewellery and the whole nine. If it is about the joy of giving... shouldnt it be all year round? And shouldnt giving to strangers give you that same joy?

This holiday season, I hope more and more people look beyond their own desires and consider the needs of those less fortunate. I hope young people see this season as a time for giving... not just to your girlfriend or mom or dad.. but to somebody who doesnt know you and will probably never be able to return the favor. I hope we take a minute and a dollar out of our frenzied shopping schedules to drop something off at a food bank or buy a toy for a child who cannot afford it. I hope that this season, hugs and good cheer are good enough gifts for us. I hope that little things mean more than big things.


Melinda said...

christmas is boring nowdays. it is always spent with the relatives, and is rather dull. i could do without the gatherings... i only attend for the food :P

it used to be fun as a kid.

Anonymous said...

I love the family gatherings, and I get sorpatel around xmas :D

And I stopped getting presents, even on my bday :P

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