People truly are strange. There are times when Im left sitting dumbfounded trying to understand certain people. There are facets of human nature that I just do not get. Its like the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. It's supposed to mean something and it does... but I just dont know what or how. I cannot even begin to read that word let along wrap my mind around what it means.

I dont know how not to be passionate and therefore, I can never understand apathy. I dont get it. How can a person be alive and apathetic at the same time? How can you be breathing and yet not be passionate about the things around you. I understand that different people are passionate about different things but there are certain things that every human being should have to really live. Every person that has the benefit of cognition should use it till it hurts. Complacency is pure, concentrated evil. I somehow always see the need to progress.. the need to change... forward, backward .. any which way... as long as I'm moving. Somebody once told me that this attitude is the reason that I will never truly be happy in life. What does truly happy mean anyways? What if im truly happy in a constant state of evolution? Haha constant state of evolution.... oxymoron. People often confuse happiness and gratefulness. They say to me... they say I'm ungrateful because I'm not truly happy with what I am. That cannot be farther from the truth. At present I live in an apartment with my sister. I dont like apartments.... I'm a house person and I think about this often. But that doesnt mean I'm not grateful to be in a safe, quiet, convenient place without a landlord harrassing the living daylights out of me.

I cannot honestly say that this discussion has any real rhyme or reason. It is most probably a feeble attempt at spilling the contents of my mind out into cyberspace just so I can sleep tonight.


Melinda said...

that is a strange but fascinating piece of art. i keep angling my head, lol.

hm. happiness. that's what everyone wants in life... right? i know i want to be happy (not constantly, or i'd feel as though i were on anti-depressants). i mean, who would want to be depressed all the time? well, apart from emo kids. there's this great quote i read somewhere about happiness and life... but i can't remember it word for word - it would be futile to attempt to remember it. i shall share it if i ever come across it again.

who are these people who fed you that bullshit about being ungrateful? i hate when anyone tells me i'm ungrateful. who are you, mind readers? just because i act a certain way you don't approve of doesn't mean i don't appreciate anything!



Chantal said...

I agree with you. I think apathy should be against the law.
Might people be apathetic because they don't appreciate what they have or can do?


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