Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like everything is surreal? like everything is made up of a tiny million dots scrambling about in the light and merging into one another.... somehow forming the picture that you see at that moment... Have you ever squinted at a flower or a blade of grass or anything and everything around you and wondered if it was all an illusion? Some grandiose projection of your mind that might not look quite the same to somebody else or not even exist in the first place? Have you ever realised that Soul to Squeeze is the PERFECT song for that feeling?

Today I woke up from a slew of nightmares that were as real as me typing these words that will float in cyberspace forever. A long lost friend was being tortured in jail and my hometown was getting taken over by bullies from high school with a totalitarian streak. Now that I'm awake, or should be, I don't feel like I am.... call it odd, call it an out of body experience... but whatever is going on right now is like a great cosmic movie playing in ultra slow motion and I'm somehow not in sync with everything else around me*. Its that feeling of movement that lingers long after you've stopped swimming. I did my customary scanning of online news websites to update my own internal news database... and I read the news of a 19 year old opening fire on holiday shoppers in Omaha or someplace with complete detachment .. like that could not be happening in the same universe as mine. Somewhere on this earth, on my birthday, there was a 19 year old in distress, devoid of any hope or reason or wonder. Somehow this should make me feel sad, mournful.... depressed even. Yet, somehow, my face wears a somewhat incredulous expression expression that reads more along the lines of an alien looking at the world for the first time.... rather than a 23 year old news junkie who reads this stuff every morning **

I feel like I should be spending the day watching fractals while listening to Soul to Squeeze. Aren't fractals absolutely, mindbendingly beautiful?

*no, im not hung over. Or high.
** I should really not read the news in the morning, it's clearly not the most auspicious way to start your day.

Fractal Picture courtesy of D.Joanes


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