I recently watched a documentary called "Sex crimes and the Vatican". This is not news, its been around for a few years now. It's even a regular part of most comedy routines these days. So nothing I say here today is new. What is new is the question a friend raised about the topic. She asked me why it is that most of the priests involved molested young boys . Somehow that question gets ignored amidst the furor over the obvious bigotry. I'm not sure if this is closet homosexuality or just a matter of convenience. Convenience in the sense that boys are more accessible since they are more likely to be altar boys or serve at the church in one way or other. They are also less likely to go home crying or complain than little girls. An article I read suggested that homosexual men in some cases might be more likely to become priests in the first place because of their lack of attraction to women. Since most Catholics and Christians see homosexuality as something that can be remedied or 'cured' rather than something that is inherent, closeted gay men might be more likely to think that joining the priesthood is the best way to 'banish the evil' so to speak.

A wise person once told me that people who have guilt on their mind taint everything they see and do with their guilt. This is was in response to my question about why a Muslim woman was stoned to death for exposing her arm whilst driving. Men that subjugate their women in that manner see women are purely sexual objects. Even an arm or a reckless hint of ankle is enough to illicit lust and thereby must be stopped. I see this scandal in the same light. Every church in question is boisterous in their disapproval of homosexual men. Yet somehow, 85% of all child molestation charges include priests raping/molesting boys. Why might that be? If you notice, whenever priests or politicians are outed for rape/pedophilia/sex scandals, they never attest to being homosexual. They contend that they have "sinned" and that they are going to fix it. I see this as not only stupid but dangerous, especially in the case of priests because if they keep treating it like something fixable, they are only going to put more innocent children at risk. This cannot be more evident than in Catholic churches policy of rotating offending priests instead of getting them an appointment with a shrink or preferably, a date with the police. Their denial has already cost a lot of people their sanity. Still, they will most likely continue to live in denial while praying for their poor souls.

Title courtesy of Christopher Hitchens


Melinda said...

it's really sad so many people stay in the closet because it's viewed as depraved by other people or from religious teachings.

as for priests, it kind of makes sense that gay priests try to suppress their sexual attraction by choosing a profession that may "help" them overcome it. it's kind of a cycle which starts with the religious belief that homosexuality is wrong.

i have no idea how homosexuality is viewed in hinduism. do you know?

Melinda said...

and wtf, WHY are women being stoned for the stupidest fucking reasons? what's next, they're not allowed to drive anymore due to the possibility of arm exposure?

Messa said...

HAHAh melinda, they ARENT allowed to drive in afghanistan and in saudi arabia... thats islam for ya!

I mean I lived in an islamic country and i for a fact know that muslims can be liberal and easy-going and they dont all stone people to death. The problem is that they let the others do it in the name of THEIR religion. Silence is their crime.

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