A few days ago I was killing time on a facebook group called "I tried to spell God and it came out Incubus" and I saw the funniest picture in the world with what are probably the funniest captions EVAR. Here are the top 3.

3)Brandon: who the fuck is this and why is he touching me?
Jared: photo op!!!

2)What's-his-face from AFI called...he want's his eyeliner back

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd #1

"Jared Leto is responsible for global warming!his eye liner absorbs 80% of the suns heat which intern radiates out and warms the earth. Fucking asshole... :-P"

Pardon me while I go laugh myself into a frenzy.

Ps: I love you Melinda


Melinda said...

ahahha... the title is right, but i don't much like jared himself... unless he goes back in time to 1994 and somehow finds his way to year 2008.

Messa said...

aw melinda doesnt love jared guyliner

Melinda said...

hahah guyliner....

nah, don't really like it on guys unless it's 80s related... like a movie from the 80s

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