Getting really pissed off about something is probably not a good way to start a blog, but what the heck, its 11:44 on a sunday night, my weekends over and i have a right to be mad about whatever i want.

Apart from the fact that Snickers bars are not as good as they used to be, there is something seriously wrong with the world. I recently read Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials and i absolutely enjoyed it. The writing was refreshingly original, admittedly scandalous in some regards but captivating and exciting. Pullman delves into religious ideas that nobody would dare touch and does so quite effectively, making it belivable and magical at the same time. Now due to these religious connotations in the book, there are Christians around the world who feel compelled to warn parents that these books will in some way seriously harm their child's religious faith and thereby should be boycotted. What about the fact that the books are wonderfully written, starring a courageous young female protagonist with a brave and kind heart? Why must a good piece of writing be admonished because somebodys religious sentiments were hurt?Whatever happened to letting people make up their own minds?

These "friendly warnings" that are being sent out about this series of books and movies is upsetting. There are far more dangerous things out there that children are exposed to on a daily basis without a moment's thought. Yet we continue to insult young readers by assuming that they believe everything they read.


Chantal said...

How can I be mad about this when I totally agree? You're absolutely right. And it's sad how bad the media is getting nowadays. I can't even turn on MuchMusic without gagging. Aren't there organizations against this sort of thing? Just terrible.

Melinda said...

i almost want a blog now...

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