10: Everybody knows where Britneys kids are sleeping tonight. Nobody knows who Gary Kasparov is.

9: While the US still debates the stability of a woman president, Argentina elects Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as President.

8: Girls in Oprah's school in South Africa get molested by teacher.

7: China wants to put chips in it's citizens with data pertaining to age, medical history, ethnicity, banking and other personal information. Failure to comply will result in the individual not being allowed to avail of any government services.

6: SAUDI ARABIA is criticizing BRITAIN for not combatting terrorism. Really.

5: 70% of Americans dont believe in evolution.

4: Indian economy is booming at alarming rates. Meanwhile, 25,000 poor, landless, indigenious farmers march into Delhi to demand more from the government.

3: Many concerts, Red Motorolas and Bono statements later, Darfur is still a mess. Only difference is, it is now fashionable to "support" that cause.

2: The US government is currently developing "the silent guardian". According to the Guardian, "
When turned on, it emits an invisible, focused beam of radiation - similar to the microwaves in a domestic cooker - that are tuned to a precise frequency to stimulate human nerve endings". How wonderful.

1: "The wildfires in California are a punishment from the Lord for gay-lovers and liberals who have turned California into the modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Fear the Lord".


Chantal said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

This is world is falling apart. And there's no one to hold it together.

Why are humans so stupid?

Melinda said...

good god. what a fucked up world! but then again, i always knew that.

# 1 and 7 had me wtf-ing.

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