Some days are just unbelievably annoying. I've noticed that if my day is not so fab, its probably a Tuesday.

I absolutely detest Tuesdays. Tuesdays generally escape the wrath of the masses because its not a Monday.Trickey. But then again, its not a Wednesday either. So its not the beginning, its clearly not the end and its not the middle. WHAT THE HELL IS A TUESDAY??? Argh!

I resent waking up on a Tuesday morning and cleaning up after my sisters friend (while scrambling around for the latest episode of Heroes that i missed last night). I resent the fact that there is nothing other than House thats worth watching on Tuesdays. I resent the fact that it's the day before a long and gruelling Wednesday. But atleast Wednesday gets me to the middle of the week.

Damn you Tuesday. Damn you to hell.

PS: I also hate Souljah Boy. A LOT.


Melinda said...

lmao, my "word verification" to leave a comment is tfackkk.

Fackkk Tuesdays? WAIT, it begins with a t, so therefore it should now be "Tuesday? Fackkk!" Wow, I'm so smart!

I hate Thursdays. Why? It has too many letters. (Well, one less than Wednesday, but I like Wednesdays.)

No, the real reason is I hate long days where I have to split my time between work and school. Work in the morning, then school in the evening. It's like I'm dragging things on for too long. Plus I hate commuting home right around the time my class ends. It's just too gloomy when the sky is not quite dark yet, but the fluorescent lights on the bus are on, making it bright in an unnatural way. I prefer it when there's sunlight, or even when it's completely dark out so you can actually see the city lights. On Thursday evenings... it feels depressing. But the fact Grey's Anatomy airs on Thurs nights does help, a lot. McDreaaaammyyyyy.

Messa said...

hahah McDreamy does make things better doesnt he?
There was an article in the National Post about him on Monday!

Chantal said...

If I was a cyclops, I'd be angry too! I don't mind Tuesdays. It's actually Fridays that I loathe because I still have to do work on them...bwahh.

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