I was just now watching the show 'Brothers and Sisters' ... and the more I watch it, the more I love it. It's not the most popular of shows but its climbing higher and higher up on my list. I come from a very small family. I have only two cousins, one uncle and one aunt. My uncle doesnt talk to my parents and my aunt doesnt talk to my uncle and his family. So for as long as I can remember I have absolutely loved the idea of a big family with tons of cousins and uncles and aunts. Thats what this show is about and thats why I love it. Even as a little girl I envied those with many aunts to spoil them, grandmas and grandpas to run to when you need a hug, cousins to make mischief with. TV shows make communication look so easy... if we all spoke that way , maybe brothers and sisters wouldnt find it that hard to get along. Maybe my uncle would still be talking to his sister.. my mom.

At school a bunch of my close friends and I got to talking family .. and out of the 4 of us, only 1 of us had a big happy family with no major issues. The rest of us all seemed to have parents who were not talking to their brothers or sisters for whatever reason. How does that happen? How do siblings stop talking to each other? I just dont understand it. I remember my sister and I making a pact with our then 5 year old cousin that we would never end up like our parents. But last night I had a fight with my sister and it scared me coz we werent talking. What if something like that were to happen between her and I? So I wrote her a message and apologized for getting mad at her even though I was justified in doing so. Better hurt my pride than have her not talk to me.

I think I should buy my mom the season DVDs to this show. Me thinks mama will like.

PS: that picture ... that is my family. ALL OF IT. (except dad coz he was taking the picture and Ryan who wasnt born yet <3)


Chantal said...

I'm glad you made that pact, and I admire the fact that you apologized to your sister.

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