Every year around this time people all over the world make promises to themselves about the new year. How many of them are actually honoured I do not know. Personally, 2007 was one long nightmare with fits and bursts of joy. The good moments were either fleeting or deceitful. So here is a summary of the good, the bad and the ugly of my 2007.

- Im not alone anymore. Jr is here.
- I got to see Daddy.
- I had about 3 months of pseudo-happiness with somebody I dont talk to anymore.
- No more landlords.
- Spending most of the summer with my partner in crime... Chantastique the Fantastique. (You can do anything, but dont look at that basilisk!)
- Harry Potter.
- Richard Dawkins et al.
- Anthony Kiedis (I get the feeling this is going to show up again next year).
- Best Christmas ever.

- No Mama,no Ryan and no Lincoln for over a year.
- Lymphoma/Breast cancer scare.
- Failing Finance because I was moving and couldnt study.
- Apartment hunting.
- Being land-locked for over a year.
- Losing my passport, then getting a "Yes, we found it!" call from the police station across the street from where I was getting my biopsy.
- Losing a close friend to a misunderstanding.

- My landlord calling 911 to tell them I was going to put a 'knife in his back' and 'burn his family to the ground' because I was a 'psychopathic killer'.
- Night in the ER.
- Having the paramedics tell me I cant do my very important Finance midterm because I collapsed and stopped breathing .

Special Mention: All my lovelies who really make Canada worth it for me. You know who you are.


Melinda said...

Look! it's me!

here's to a fresh start!

Chantal said...


Love you!

And I'm sorry about what you had to go through. But, at least it's over, and you've emerged stronger.

*plays Kanye West song*

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