I don't know what I want from this year. I get the feeling my life is in shambles. It might not look so, but it is. This is a new year, a new beginning, yet somehow I don't feel like it is. I don't feel in control. I don't feel like this year is going to take me places. What happened to me? I used to be the most optimistic person you would ever meet. I was the happiest, most cheerful person on the planet. Now I'm sitting here wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do with this "fresh start". I'm just not happy with the way my life is. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I should graduate this year... however that might not happen... depends on the outcome of this semester. I'm a smart girl... I'm intelligent, I'm socially aware, I'm well-rounded... yet i don't feel like I'll get anywhere. I told somebody the other day that I couldnt picture my future. I cant. That's bad. I think im sick. I dont know what it is but im not digging this emo shit.

Im really not sure of most things, but I know I want "The end" by the Doors played at my funeral. None of that nonsensical piano music for me. No siree.


Chantal said...

Don't think about your funeral!!!
And it's ok to feel unsure about things. It'll be a big change going from full-time studies to full-time work, and that might be what you're a little shaky about. Regardless, like you said, you are a brilliant person, and you will find your true path :)

PS: Nice layout :P

Melinda said...

I can't picture my future either. So I just take it one day or one week at a time.

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