Falling asleep is like going for a swim in the middle of the ocean. I figure I'm just going to frolic on the coast and build some sand castles. Before I know it the tide has sucked me in and I'm trying to stay afloat. I cant remember the last time I fell asleep with no help. I need white noise. Sometimes I spend an hour just trying to find the white noise for the night. It acts like that stray piece of wood in the middle of the ocean that you cling to to keep from being swallowed into your thoughts.

When I stay over somewhere I dread the time when the TV gets turned off and everything falls quiet. I try my best to fall asleep before that moment arrives. Because once the silence arrives, my vigil begins.

EDIT: Bugs Bunny is freakin' hilarious and they always play good classical music when Bugs is JUST about to get smoked.

Where can i find the waaaabbiiit? *shotgun*
What would you want with the waaaaaabbiitt???


Chantal said...

Did you paint that?!

Wowwww...so talented! Great work!

Messa said...

haha no
and i actually think that painting sucked.. it just looks nice against a black background

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